Don't mix your personal and business or official life on Facebook. Writing on a client's wall or befriending a colleague or boss for official activities is definitely so out of sync on a social-networking site.

Don't send friend requests to strangers or people you knew only for a few days. Getting your friends list to swell may make you appear cool among your peers, but will only leave you confused and, sometimes, at danger of letting a stranger come too close too soon.

Don't send a friend request to fix a broken friendship. Certain things that are better done in person, in the offline space. Sending a request to someone you knew never liked you or in an attempt to make amends or reconcile is not advisable.

Don't overuse the 'what's on your mind' option by sharing your thoughts on the everyday mundane stuff. Not everybody would like to know that you spent the last something hours stuck in the traffic.

Don't message or comment to settle old scores with a friend. You will probably find yourself alienated and fending for yourself.

Don't vent your anger about your work. The probability that one of your superiors finds out is not very slim.

Don't comment on everything posted to score a point among peers.

Do use messages to convey intimate feelings or personal problems among select few or with the special one instead of posting on the wall. It is not a good idea to wash dirty linen in public.

Do exercise prudence when posting on wall. Not everything you say will be interpreted in the rightful sense by all.

Do reply to comments on your posts as and when necessary.

Do take responsibility for your actions. If you have rubbed somebody the wrong way, maybe in a subtle way, but regret it later, admit it and apologize.

Do use your real name and updated picture. Being honest with your friends more importantly means you are honest to yourself. It also makes it easy for your old friends to trace you with your real name.


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