A first date is is one of those moments in your life that you do not want to miss out on. The first impressions are important in getting the right response from your partner. You will have to act your best in order to create an impression. With all the nervousness, fear and expectations in the air, it becomes all the more difficult. To make things easier for you, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind in preparation for that moment.

Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Be the best you can be and see that you do not get carried away and end up sounding like a snob.

Don't get drunk. This is probably the worst thing to do on a first date. If your date comprises of drinks, it is better to keep it within limits.

Don't be late. Being late can be annoying and can set a bad precedent to the rest of the proceedings. It also tells about your personality and the respect you have for others in general.

Don't dress shabbily. You could ruin the whole evening if you are in the wrong attire. It is a straight put off and leaves you with less room for you to be a convincing date.

Do maintain eye contact while conversing. Making eye contact lets the other person know that you are listening and are genuinely interested in what is being spoken.

Do smile when you greet and laugh at jokes. When you smile and laugh, you make it easier on the other person to open up and speak freely.

Do choose a public area to meet. When you have people around you, to find a fresh topic to converse on after a lull in conversation will not be too tough. You will also feel much safer around people, since this is your first date and you know very little about your partner.

Do listen attentively and speak clearly. Try and make only genuine comments and give compliments whenever you feel it is due.

Do make your date feel comfortable. Do not try and get too close on your very first date. People appreciate their own personal space and they will only open up when you have met and understood each other enough.

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